If ilovevitaly.co spam traffic is showing in your google analytics then read below article.
Block ilovevitaly.co referral spam traffic.
Oh my god this month is going to be full of spam referral traffic. You already know about darodar referral spam , econom spam, and now the new one rising is ilovevitaly.com . My blog was getting some new referral traffic from ilovevitaly.com and found that it was a spam traffic. Today I’m going to show how to block all of these with just single javascript code and php code.Your website is getting referral traffic from all of the these, than you have to add some simple code to your website. If there is any new spam bot start to break your analytics properties I will be updating this article only. Because I have already written to stop darodar and econom and now I’m writing to block this ilovevitaly.com.
Every webmaster is getting confused with adding the code. Where to add, how to add so on. So I’m giving some simple code which you can use without editing your .htaccess file.
What is this spam traffic?
I have written everything you need to know about referral traffic and these spam referrals. Read these articles.
Stop bad referral traffic to your website.
Block darodar.com referral traffic.
Block econom.co referral traffic.
Check if your website is getting spam traffic
When there is spam traffic hitting your blog its reported by analytics with 100% bounce rate. There will be no session duration and page view will be your homepage only. If this kind of traffic is hitting your property a lot times then you might search for it and please comment below so I can also look for it and can get some solution for it.
So now let’s just block them
You just have to add this code in your website between head tag and php website user has to add the code in header.php file.
Javascript code (block darodar, econom, ilovevitaly)
var blocklink = ['http://darodar.com','http://econom.co','http://ilovevitaly.com'];
for (var b = blocklink.length; b--;) {
if (document.referrer.match(blocklink[b]))
window.location = "http://google.com/";
PHP code (block darodar,econom, ilovevitaly)
$blocklink = ['http://darodar.com', 'http://econom.co','http://ilovevitaly.com'];
foreach ($blocklink as $value) {
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERRER'] == $value)
header('Location: http://google.com/');
1. Thanks for the comments that the code is displaying physically on the page. Try adding this in your header.php file of your theme folder.
var blocklink = ['http://darodar.com','http://econom.co','http://ilovevitaly.com'];
for (var b = blocklink.length; b--;) {
if (document.referrer.match(blocklink[b]))
window.location = "http://google.com/";
2. A new referral iedit.ilovevitaly.com is showing in analytics that will be blocked with the same code above.
3. One more sub domain of ilovevitaly is being showing from today morning is shoping.ilovevitaly.com and it will be blocked with the same code.
Some users are having problem implementing the code and for some the code is not working. Please see the below article.
Block darodar ilovevitaly with analytics filters.
Please share this article and comment when any unknown traffic shows in your analytics property that you doubt is a spam traffic.
Thanks Ashish. I had tried the .htaccess approach for ilovevitaly and economo.com and it didn’t work. I am interested in the javascript solution that you propose here. Two questions:
Can the spammer disable javacript on their end?
Instead of sending the traffic to Google, can you just send it to a non existent domain, such as fgsgcnvyawoomtqhzrxglxt
Ashish Prajapati
hi Dave
Javascript code is going to run in our website , thus no one can affect what our website is doing. and Yes you can replace the google.com with any other url.
I think Dave is right. Javascript will be running on client’s browser so we will have to use both.
I am a new to this so bear with me. This spammer changes the referral sites everyday around 5:00 pm Eastern. From what I can fin they have an additional 108 domains listed under the same name. Is it possible to ban the server, or IP range with the script above instead of waiting for them to hit and take action? I have tried blocking with htaccess unsuccessfully the domains by this spammer.
Ashish Prajapati
You can add all the domains by comma as written in the code, that every domain will be blocked.
they have 100+ additional domains that we don’t of yet. Instead of waiting to get hit and then adding th domain, is there a way to block their server all together? This way I don’t have to worry about this spammer tonight, tomorrow, the next day, etc.
Ashish Prajapati
What you want to do is a right thing. But you can not block the server, a DNS server point to millions of domains and no one can have their own server for their domains. Hope you understand.
Hello Ashish,
I am using Squarespace. I used their code injector to add your javascript code to the header. Will this work on it’s own or do I need to inject the PHP code as well? I am not really a web developer so pardon me if this is a stupid question. Our site is being hit heavily by ilovely.com Thank so much. – Lisa
Ashish Prajapati
Javascript code will do the work. you can use any one of this.
Hello Ashish!
One question – I am running WordPress with Graphene theme. I want to add the PHP code to header.php. Since I am not good at PHP my question is where exactly should I place this code – in the beginning of the file, at the end of it or somewhere else?
Thank you in advance!
Ashish Prajapati
Place the code in your theme header.php just after head tag.
Hi Ashish,
When I add the PHP code to my header.php file, the physical code shows up in my header when viewing the website. Tried it in all places. Also figured I would try the javascript seperate from the php code. Neither are working to block the traffic. Also have tried htaccess and that has not worked. ilovevitaly still manages to get through for all.
Ashish Prajapati
This happens if you do not place code properly. check if you are adding code between other syntax.
In your theme folder header.php file, look at the beginning and search for head tag, now add code just after head tag.
Same is happening with me, the code shows up physically.
I have placed just below
Pls tell what to do?
Ashish Prajapati
Hmm okay I’m updating the article for this issue.
Hi! I use google analytics on my blog on livejournal.com , and i can’t edit .htaccess file. I should create user filter, but how? Pls write how to do it, and block this referal traffic.
How annoying are all these spam sites? At first glance I was happy to see a spike in traffic, but that promptly turned into frustration of epic proportions. These spam referrers are absolutely parasitic.
I managed to filter many of them via the Referrers Exception list in Google Analytics, but Ilovevitaly is still getting through.
Will definitely give this a try. Thank you!
Ashish Prajapati
Hi jon,
You can surely filter out the analytics, that’s a temporary solution which just doesn’t show you the traffic from this spammers. So it doesn’t stop this spammers from visiting your site which can slow down your site performance. Everyone I have seen talking about filtering but its not the solution. Now its too much from this spammers. We will find a way for this. You can also report google for this spam site here https://www.google.com/safebrowsing/report_badware/
Thanks jon
iedit.iloveitalyDOTcom is still showing up for me. Nothing I have tried is getting them blocked.
Ashish Prajapati
Then try adding the url with a comma in the code above. It should work.
This solution is really impressive.
I will share your code on my web site.
I applied this code in my header.php, but still does not seem to work.
Ashish Prajapati
Please see the updated php code I have written above.
I use the standard google website – how/where can I put the blocking scripts?
Or alternately what filter can I put on in analytics?
Ta much from someone with a bit of basic knowledge but not enough to sort this out!
Colin Thornton
Hi Guys
I have had the same problem for the past month, 75 spam referrals, I have inserted the javascript code below so will continue to monitor, Just one question Ashish as I am not that technical, I note all these hits are coming from Russia (RU) is there a way to block hits from this country and would that work?
Ashish Prajapati
Yes sure you can block all the visits from any specific servers. But that way you will loose all the visitors from there.
Colin Thornton
I only really target the UK for customers so would blocking this specific server hurt my UK traffic?
Ashish Prajapati
No it won’t. You can stop visitors from the country but as this spam does’t visit but actually generating referral visit. So right now I’m not able to find a way to do so. Some of the site I have seen talking about .htaccess file and adding nameservers but that will not work.
Colin Thornton
Anette I have set up a “Custom Filter” in Analytics using the select filter field and then enter “Russia” in the filter pattern field
When I add the code to my wordpress header file, I get this:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘http’ (T_STRING), expecting ‘,’ or ‘;’ in /home/isinkori/public_html/bestrifle.net/wp-content/themes/point/header.php on line 10
What have I done wrong?
There’s a bad character in the JavaScript and PHP above, just before http://ilovevitaly.com there’s a ’ which should be a ‘ If you fix that the code should load without syntax errors.
If anyone is using the JavaScript instead of the PHP, note that you need to add a ‘ after http://ilovevitaly.com in the JavaScript code above. It’s missing and will cause syntax errors.
Ashish Prajapati
Thanks Matt for stopping by and your comment. I have made it correct. Before it was ok, but while updating I made mistake.
Hi Ashish,
The javascript doesn’t seem to be working unfortunately. I’ve still had 9 visits today, 8 from shopping.ilovevitaly.com and 1 from forum.topic54378312.darodar.com . I’m going to try the .htaccess method and see if that helps.
Ashish Prajapati
Okay, If that works then let me know.
I still get that message when I add the code. Have you updated the main post with this information?
Ashish Prajapati
Yes its okay now., may be you are doing something wrong. Many have implemented the code, it is working fine.
Hi Ashish,
I injected your Java Script code. I am still getting hit by edit.ilovevitaly.com. I added it as a separate url in addition to ilovely.com in Java Script but they are still hitting the site. Squarespace does not support PHP. Any suggestions. Thanks for your help with all of this. – Lisa
Ashish Prajapati
Hi Lisa,
Sometime it happens because javascript has not been loaded when the website is accessed and takes some time. But it will reduce the hits, I think so. And make sure with the characters as it is iedit.xxx . If still not then let me know I will do something. Right now I’m trying to figure out a way to block all the referral traffic referred by the same nameserver.
Please help me!
I have site visits from a shopping.ilovevitaly.com
My site is a platform wix
I put the code you wrote at the top of the panel login page http
And it still does not work
What should I do? I have lots of spam entries
[email protected]
What is this spammer trying to achieve?
hi Ashish I using prestashop. Which optio i can use ? And where to put a code ?
Ashish Prajapati
Hi Dare
First navigate to the header.tpl file . You will find in your theme folder, the theme you are using for prestashop.
Now find head tag, in triangular brackets head .
Add the updated php code I have written above just below the tag.
Save the file. Or you can download and then after editing upload at the same place. Hope you know using ftp to do with files.
Hope it works. I do not have much experience with prestashop. But as of I know this will do the work.
– Ashish
Thank you for your reply. Yes I do know how need to use FTP. I will let you know if it’s worked. Thanks again
Hi Ashish,
Thank you again for working on this. We are still getting hit by iedit.ilovevitaly.com. Code is working beautifully for everything else. Like I said before Squarespace doesn’t support PHP. Here is your code that I have edited a couple of days ago. Is there anything that is incorrect? Thanks so much! – Lisa
I guess I didn’t it isn’t pasting the beginning and the end for some reason. It has open and closed script code at the beginning and end. Thanks
Ashish Prajapati
Yes you can not comment a script. I have written to create filters in analytics if you want you can add ilovevitaly.com in exclude list. Please see this article https://geekybits.in/block-ilovevitaly-com-darodar-econom-spam-analytics-filters/
Bucky Juice
Yes the first spikes in traffic appeared last week on thurs which just by chance coincided with some seo work i stayed up for 3 nights doing with my site. Then i looked into the ‘traffic’. darodar, econom.co. lumb.co?, i lovevitaly, edit.ilovevitaly, shopping.ilovevitaly
Blocking russian visitors may not harm your genuine traffic, but it looks as though vitaly launches from non-russian servers, chech you’re traffic’s location source
Ashish, thankyou for your hard work on this. I entered the codes into my header.php file, the php, and then then the java as that seemed to be the right fit for existing header code. Should i have entered it into htaccess? and for wordpress the php is definitely the one i want?
Shopping .ilovevitaly is todays referrer spam headache from mr Popov
Bucky Juice
Can I bounce him to alibaba??
Ashish Prajapati
Hi Ashish,
Thanks for working on putting this code together. Unfortunately, when I put in the updated one, my site won’t load at all. What am I doing wrong? I’m definitely not the smartest when it comes to web to stuff, but I inserted it the code underneath “” in my header.php. I hope you can shed some insight, thanks very much
Ashish Prajapati
You need to add the code as it is after head tag , inside the header.php of your current theme.
Yup, I did that, and nothing. Spam bots remain…
Ashish Prajapati
Then please use the analytics filters.
Hi Ashish, thanks for posting this. I am not a coder so asking a basic question. My site is built on PHP and use Java Script. So what I am doing is putting the Java script code you mentioned at the top of the header.php file and also just after
java script here
meta tags here..
I am not sure if i am doing it right. Could you please explain this in a bit of a layman language, I will highly appreciate it. Thanks,
Thanks so much for this information! I was going crazy trying to track back how my site was being linked from these other sites not realizing they were spam. Priceg.com is another to add to the list! And Ilovevitaly has .co and .com versions.
I tested both the .htaccess and also the javascript and also both together… it doesn’t work still I get visit from blackhatworth.com
Ondrej Brablc
The spam traffic does not hit your server at all. They simply fool Google Analytics to think there was such traffic. It has wrong impact on your bounce rate (only on Google Analytics) and it is shame that Google is not fighting those spammers on their own. They are doing this in order to make you visit their page. You can block them in GA manually via filters “traffic from the ISP domain” or all together using https://plus.google.com/+GoogleAnalytics/posts/2tJ79CkfnZk (however, the later does not seem to catch new domains eagerly).
hi I’m sorry if my english bad
. I have question about put javascript code in blog. Where I must put the code. in under head or between head …… thanks
if between head…../head so I can put them above ?
Ashish Prajapati
You can put the code anywhere after head and before /head
thank’s Ashish