Add intelliSense for node, angular, lodash and other javascript libraries in vs code

Add intelliSense for node, angular, lodash and other javascript libraries in vs code

You have probably switched to vs code for your next project and you need intelliSense for the libraries you are using in your project just like if you have used visual studio, well its very easy to add intelliSense in vs code and you can have intelliSense for most of the javascript libraries available. Yes you can also add intelliSense for Nodejs application as well. So here you go.

1. Install typings globally

sudo npm install -g typings

Now you can you typings command to add intellisense in your project. There are hundreds of typings available you can download and use in your project with just a simple command.

2. Using typings

Navigate to your project directory and enter below command to add intelliSense for angularjs.

cd path/to/your/project
typings install angular --ambient

Here is a list of some of the typings you can download,

  • node
  • express
  • lodash
  • handlebars
  • jade

Visit this link for a complete list of typings you can use. Hope this will help, comment and share.

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